Dr. Vikas N. Mahandule, Ass. Professor, MIT Arts Commerce and Science College, Alandi (D.), Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mr. Mukesh Shinde, Research Scientist, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mr. Ganesh Gadhave, Sr. Software Engineer at Symantec Corporation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Nitin Borge, Sr.Software Engineer,Tech Mahindra, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Viraj Shinde, Sr. Software Engineer, Head Software Development , Arinoz Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Avinash Nayak, Founder, Digital Drishti, Basna, Chhattisgarh, India.
Dr. Y.J. Rao, Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. Sachin Admane, Principal, Imperial College of Engineering and Research, JSPM's Wagholi, Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Prof. Dr. U.L. Bombale, Department Of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. U.M. Shirsat, Principal, Navshyadri College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. G. S. Prakash, Professor and Head Department of Industrial Engineering and Management M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. M. C. Nataraja, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Mr. Pradeep Masane, Senior Project Manager, Tech Mahindra, Pune, Maharashtra,India.
Dr.H.V.Saikumar, Professor and Head Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. M. B. Mali, Professor & Head Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Sinhgad College of Engineering (SCOE), Vadgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr.N.V.Raghavendra, Professor. & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysor, Karnataka, India.
Dr. N. D. Prasanna, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.
Dr. Kiran D. Patil, Professor in Chemical Engineering, Dept.of Petrochemical and Petroleum Engineering, MAEER's, Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr.V.Krishnan, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir. M. Visvesvaraya institute of technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Prof. Nilesh B. Bahadure, Head and Coordinator (EEE, ETC and AEI) Dean Research & Development, Bhilai Institute of Technology Raipur, India.
Dr. P. L.Srinivasa Murthy, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Mr. Chetan Natu, Technology Head, Seed InfoTech ltd, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. A. Balakrishna, Associate Professors, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Mr. Avinash Gole, Senior Software Engineer, Accenture In India, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. C. Siddaraju, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. Rameshwar Kawitkar Professor Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Sinhgad College of Engineering (SCOE) Vadgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Dr. P.S. Raghuprasad, Associate Professor, Dept. of Construction Technology and Management Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. Sangita Birajdar, Asst. Prof. in Statistics, MIT Arts, Commerce & Science College, Alandi (D), Pune
Mr. B.B. Gite, Asst. Professor and Head, Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Kondhwa (BK), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Sanjay R. Kumbhar, Asst.Professor, Department of Automobile Engineering Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Sarang Patil, Asst.Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology (SIT), Lonavala, Maharashtra, India.
Mrs. Shilpa M, Asst. Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Prof. Deepak Kapgate, Dept. Of Computer Science, G. H. Raisoni academy of engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Mr.Chethan Kumar B. Asst. Professor, Vijaya Vittala Inst Of Technology, Banglore, Karnataka, India.
Mr. Ramesh S. Pawase, Asst. Professor, Department of E&TC, Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India.
Prof. Vikas Mahandule, Asst. Professor, MIT, Arts Commerce and Scince College, Alandi (D) Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Prashant Deshmukh, Asst. Professor, A T College, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mr. Sachin Dimble Project Manager, Persistent System, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Mrs. Shobha. R, Asst. Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Mr. Parag Chaware, Asst. Professor Cummins College of Engineering Karvenagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.